Tonight's topic is about something that we all have to do everyday. Most of us take many things in our life for granted. FOOD being one. In the last 3 to 6 months talk of food riots, food chain disruptions and food rationing have slowly progressed from the alternative media outlets to major newspapers and television networks.
Most North Americans had no idea that places like Haiti, Egypt and many African countries were experiencing major problems with providing adequate food for their populations. Closer to home in Mexico City people protested the rising cost of flour for tortillas.
As these events continued to increase the main stream media in North America filtered out almost all the coverage of food related events. The only coverage to be found was on BBC world and some other European media.
North Americans(Canadians) never take one moment to think about how the food they eat is affected by weather and the changing market economies. As I write this most of the folks I work with have no concern for food shortages. "That won't happen here." is the response.
What I call the Gruesome Foursome is at work with the grain growing areas in the United States and Canada.
1. Almost one quarter of the corn, red wheat and other grains are being subsidized for ethanol production in the U.S.
2. Canada/United States are considered one of the bread baskets of the world. The export of our grains to other famine ridden locals is known globally.
3. Since the late 1990s to this year key growing areas have either experienced severe drought or flood events. Thus, helping to reduce total harvests.
4. China and India have become serious players on a global scale. Anything they do will affect economies, trends, and basic necessities.
Now is the time to start planning for food shortages. When you go to the grocery store, pick up a couple of extra tins of vegetables and fruits. People are getting their gardens ready for planting. This is opportunity to grow a vegetable garden this year. I will talk more about specifics later.
There are people in New England and California reporting that availability of rice at big wholesale chains have been reduced and even some rationing to control the reduced supply has been reported.
This comes down to really controlling the population and hoping that they don't panic.
Tomorrow I will continue Part 2 of Food Wars.
Hi Frank,
I have been concerned about a food shortage since Y2K. I stockpile EVERYTHING! I believe I have enough to last myself and 2 kids for at least 6 - 12 months. I even have a safe with needed cash hidden away. I am so freaked out about this and having watched the Corporation a while back I'm even more worried now about all the chemicals they are putting in our foods. I grow and can my own vegetables and fruits (peaches, pears, beans, etc.) I buy my eggs from local farmers - the chickens are free range and are grain fed. What are your thoughts on the rgbH? I'm really interested. I'll check your blog again soon. Thanks for your post!
Thanks for posting this. Like many, I live in the 'burbs, where most people don't have a clue. I want to keep some essentials stashed away. Water and canned goods are obvious choices. Perhaps you could list some other essentials that would help.
Frank, great topic ! I tend to live my life one day at a time but I can tell that if the bottom fell out of society as we currently know it, I'm in trouble !!! Your views on current global events are eye opening to say the least. I have taken some time to read other comments submitted to your blog and feel the need to be a little more prepared. stocking up on some essential items makes sense.
I look forward to reading more from you. When you have time could you please do a segment on what other essentail items one should have on hand.
I prefer CMYK.
I have never really thought of a food shortage before......you have opened my eyes! I will start getting some extra cans of food while grocery shopping. What else should we stock up on??
Thanks and I can't wait to read whatever you have next....
In response to Misty's comment on the impact of rbgH. To be formal rbgH is short form for recombinant bovine growth hormone. It is banned from use in Europe and Canada in 1999. This hormone is utilized to increase the dairy cows milk production by 10-15%. Many dairy farmers in the U.S don't use this synthetic growth hormone, but many do.
I personally believe that many health issues facing people can be directly correlated to what we eat and drink. One example is in the last 20 years young girls are reaching puberty much earlier than previous generations. Could this be connected to ingesting extra growth hormones in milk at an early age? Are increases in breast and prostate cancers caused by this? These are all serious questions that may never have an official answer.
Lastly, there may also be a connection to cows that are injected with rbgH and Bovine spongiform encephalopathy or better know as Mad Cow.
Thank you for your post and stay tuned for more!
Hi Frank,
I beg to differ with you about the rgbH. Over 8000 farmers in the US use the growth hormone. I have done extensive research on it and there is a good chance that if you buy regular milk in the States, you will be drinking some of the bacteria, antibiotics, and cancer creating hormones. The company that sells this product is manipulative and goes out of its way to lobby governments not to allow farmers who sell milk unaffected by the hormone to label their milk as such. I am fully aware that Canada does not allow this drug and must note that the company attempted to bribe the Canadian government with 1-2 million dollars to recommend this product for Canadian dairy farmers. Thankfully Canada has a good head on its shoulders.
One thing you don't really mention is that the real concern for people in the very near future is the upcoming shortage of fresh water. It is proven that our fresh water is running out and that we will soon be without. We are depleting our supply at a horrendous rate!
As far as "useless" goes, well, he speaks for himself. Being well educated in today's society is key in surviving. Perhaps he should change his name to "clueless" ask the paper industry is also a huge problem in our declining ozone and health.
Yeah, I know, meow!
Hey Frank, well written blog.
I don't need to stockpile as much food. I have guns and ammo and a willingness to pillage. ;)
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