An emergency can hit
anytime and anywhere. Today, most families are very busy and spread out over large geographic areas. At least two members of a family may have to commute to work everyday. Kids being driven to daycare, to school and dance classes. Because we are a very mobile society are lives have become separated by many miles and kilometers. If an event such as a terrorist attack, rioting or war causes civil disorder many families would have difficulties contacting each other.

Having a solid family plan could help keep families together after an national or regional event.
Here are some ideas to get your family talking and laying out your own family emergency plan.
1. Mental Attitude: A positive mental attitude can make a huge difference on you and your family's survivability.
2. The Threat: There is no way to know when an event will cause civil disorder. Be like the fox and read the signs, look and listen and keep vigilant. This means read the newspaper and watch television and read between the lines.
3. Physical Condition: If you are out of shape and can't even walk to the car, you have a huge problem. Get you and your family active and in shape. This will greatly increase your chances if your family and you have to walk 20 kilometers to get home.
Most plans should have a primary and secondary meeting location. I personally like to have a extra just in case the prim
ary and secondary are compromised. Everyone in your family should memorize these locations.

It is crucial that the method of transportation(car, truck) are kept in top working order. In your transportation you should keep your Bug Out Bag.
This brings me to your safe locations. The safe location should have an area that is completely ballistic resistant. This is to ensure that if bullets or small projectiles are sent in your direction you have a place to go. This area will be where you and your family will sleep.
The best thing that you can do is talk as a family before a natural or man-made event occurs.
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