April 30, 2008

Family Plan - What to do when hard times hit..

An emergency can hit anytime and anywhere. Today, most families are very busy and spread out over large geographic areas. At least two members of a family may have to commute to work everyday. Kids being driven to daycare, to school and dance classes. Because we are a very mobile society are lives have become separated by many miles and kilometers. If an event such as a terrorist attack, rioting or war causes civil disorder many families would have difficulties contacting each other.

Having a solid family plan could help keep families together after an national or regional event.

Here are some ideas to get your family talking and laying out your own family emergency plan.

1. Mental Attitude: A positive mental attitude can make a huge difference on you and your family's survivability.

2. The Threat: There is no way to know when an event will cause civil disorder. Be like the fox and read the signs, look and listen and keep vigilant. This means read the newspaper and watch television and read between the lines.

3. Physical Condition: If you are out of shape and can't even walk to the car, you have a huge problem. Get you and your family active and in shape. This will greatly increase your chances if your family and you have to walk 20 kilometers to get home.

Most plans should have a primary and secondary meeting location. I personally like to have a extra just in case the primary and secondary are compromised. Everyone in your family should memorize these locations.

It is crucial that the method of transportation(car, truck) are kept in top working order. In your transportation you should keep your Bug Out Bag.

This brings me to your safe locations. The safe location should have an area that is completely ballistic resistant. This is to ensure that if bullets or small projectiles are sent in your direction you have a place to go. This area will be where you and your family will sleep.

The best thing that you can do is talk as a family before a natural or man-made event occurs.

April 28, 2008

Bug Out Bags

For many years I have had a 'Bug Out Bag' just waiting to be called into action. For the folks who are new to survival ideology, it is a backpack, a duffel bag or really anything that can be carried by one person. Inside there can be a multitude of gear that can be utilized by an individual to help them and their loved ones during an emergency(natural or man-made).

The Bug Out Bag can be very simple or can be outfitted for more complicated situations.

A simple bag would include the following:

1. A lock blade knife - This can be utilized in many ways such as cutting things, a tool and as a defensive weapon.

2. A mylar space blanket - Handy in hot and cold weather and can be utilized as a shelter.

3. Garbage bags - a multi-use item and can be used as a rain coat.

4. Power bars - these are lightweight and can provide needed energy quickly.

5. Disposable Lighter - multi-purpose item...self explanatory.

6. Small Mini-mag flashlight - Makes your life a little easier. Seeing in the dark can help.

7. First Aid Kit - small kit with different size band-aids and other items.

8. Light weight leather gloves - Protects hands and stops individuals from getting blisters.

9. Compass - Most people don't know how to use them...learn...it can help you when you least expect it.

10. Money in small bills - This could come in handy to buy yourself out of a problem.

11. Change of clothes - This could be a pair of jeans or some camouflage pants. Anything to make yourself more comfortable.

12. Hiking Boots - I personally like a good solid pair of leather army boots. The boots should be high enough on the ankle to provide support and this helps to ensure you don't break or sprain you ankle.

Think of a Bug Out Bag as an insurance policy to help you make it home or to a safe location. As you start to put together your first bag you find items that should be added. It is also possible to put together several different types of bags. You could have one at Work, in the car and one for Home. Emergencies can happen at anytime, it is all about being prepared.


April 24, 2008

Food Wars - Part 2

Yesterday I discussed Panic. I don't think there will be panic. Things will happen and we will just be facing this issue.

After work today I went to pick a few things up at Costco Wholesale. This is what I purchased.

The following list could be a starting point to ensure that you and your family survive and thrive.

1. 2 - 2.5 kg bags of pasta (fusili)

2. 12 boxes of Kraft dinner whole wheat

3. 6 - 500 ml mason jars of pasta sauce

4. 3 - 5 kg bean and legumes mix

5. 2 - 4 kg bags of white sugar

6. 12 tins of albacore tuna

7. 10 tins of assorted soups

8. 12 tins of corn

9. 16 tins of diced tomatoes

10. 2 boxes of powered potatoes

All together this cost me $170. This is definitely a start to ensure that you and your family have the resources available to you when things get difficult. I would like to stress several points. It is important to have a multitude of canned or dried foods stored. Along with your stored food have a plentiful supply of water.

Pasta is a great food that fills up stomachs and stores easily. Beans and Legumes are perfect protein packages that can take the place of animal proteins. Canned tuna, chicken, turkey and other meats are in my stockpile. Powered potatoes should be in everyones pantry because they are easy to make and are easily transportable.

Keep this in mind. The 6 billion or so humans on planet earth are facing three very large problems. The downward slope of Peak Oil, possibility of food shortages and financial recession/depression. These could lead to wars over water, food and natural resources.

China has been slowly over the past decade searching the globe for natural resources such as oil, natural gas, precious metals to name just a few. I the next 6 to 24 months China is going to become very fixated on trying to secure enough food for its huge population. At the same time the rest of the world is going to be doing the same. I think you can see where I am going with this.

As Canadians and Americans shop for the best deals, the cheapest merchandise and blue light specials in aisle four, every single product including most processed foods have at least one ingredient that is probably from China. Here comes the best part, they have been quietly building one of the largest standing armies in the world, a huge modern navy and getting ready for the day when they may have to use it... Could it be over food?


April 23, 2008

Food Wars

Tonight's topic is about something that we all have to do everyday. Most of us take many things in our life for granted. FOOD being one. In the last 3 to 6 months talk of food riots, food chain disruptions and food rationing have slowly progressed from the alternative media outlets to major newspapers and television networks.

Most North Americans had no idea that places like Haiti, Egypt and many African countries were experiencing major problems with providing adequate food for their populations. Closer to home in Mexico City people protested the rising cost of flour for tortillas.
As these events continued to increase the main stream media in North America filtered out almost all the coverage of food related events. The only coverage to be found was on BBC world and some other European media.
North Americans(Canadians) never take one moment to think about how the food they eat is affected by weather and the changing market economies. As I write this most of the folks I work with have no concern for food shortages. "That won't happen here." is the response.
What I call the Gruesome Foursome is at work with the grain growing areas in the United States and Canada.
1. Almost one quarter of the corn, red wheat and other grains are being subsidized for ethanol production in the U.S.
2. Canada/United States are considered one of the bread baskets of the world. The export of our grains to other famine ridden locals is known globally.
3. Since the late 1990s to this year key growing areas have either experienced severe drought or flood events. Thus, helping to reduce total harvests.
4. China and India have become serious players on a global scale. Anything they do will affect economies, trends, and basic necessities.
Now is the time to start planning for food shortages. When you go to the grocery store, pick up a couple of extra tins of vegetables and fruits. People are getting their gardens ready for planting. This is opportunity to grow a vegetable garden this year. I will talk more about specifics later.
There are people in New England and California reporting that availability of rice at big wholesale chains have been reduced and even some rationing to control the reduced supply has been reported.
This comes down to really controlling the population and hoping that they don't panic.
Tomorrow I will continue Part 2 of Food Wars.